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LP-J is a Christian independent grant making charity founded by Marie Potter, who felt inspired to organise a charity specifically focussed on Christian outreach projects in the Portsmouth area. After sharing the idea with several of her clients, Marie decided to progress the venture and formed a team of Trustees to administer the charity.


Following a number of wills coming into effect in 2018, ‘Love Portsmouth – Jesus’ (LP-J) was officially set up as a charity. In 2019 the procedures and processes required to effectively manage the funding program were put in place. Following several pilot projects, the charity was officially launched in 2019.


In June 2023, a new team of Trustees were appointed to take the charity forward, led by Neil Smart as Chair of Trustees.


The charity is funded essentially through giving via wills, although there is opportunity for regular and ‘one-off’ giving.


LP-J funds Christian community projects and initiatives in and around the Portsmouth area. The charity works closely with all Christians, churches and Christian organisations in and around Portsmouth funding a variety of projects including; evangelistic missions, debt counselling, homeless projects, Mum’s and Toddlers, etc, financially enabling believers to reach out to all people of Portsmouth, young and old, male and female with the practical love of God.


The One Body Portsmouth group of interdenominational Christian leaders, provides a point of reference and support for the trustees. One Body exists as a platform to facilitate strong relationships between leaders of the Christian Church in Portsmouth, regardless of denomination. It provides opportunities for fellowship and prayer, leading to the unity of the Body of Christ.


This ‘accountability’ ensures that any grants given have a check and balance applied through a trusted and impartial body, delivering transparency of funding across the different churches/organisations.

cogs with labels: growth, creativity, imagination, knowledge, vision, inspiration


Inspired by the Scripture where Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes (Mark 6: 37-44), the Charity wants to see a multiplication of finances released to meet the needs of the people in Portsmouth through effective Christian outreach. The heart of the Charity is to see the love of God, as revealed in Jesus, touch the lives of as many people as possible, through Christian denominations working together for the good of the city.

The Charities values are based on Scripture and can be summed up through the following Christian virtues: 


Faithfulness: We believe in operating the charity with integrity and fairness to all those applying for grants, across all Christian denominations and movements. We want to be faithful to God and honour all those who have donated in ensuring the funds are used entirely in line with the vision. We will honour all parties whose applications are not approved, providing honest feedback and, if appropriate, help on any future requests.


Hope: We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ offers all people the certainty of salvation and that Jesus is the hope of all the world. Our hope is that the charity can provide funding that will encourage greater unity across the churches, as Christians do good in the city of Portsmouth to help those in need.


Love: We have compassion for all people groups, especially those in need. Our heart is to serve the church and the local community, releasing funds to enable the love of Christ to be shared and known in Portsmouth and the surrounding area.

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Photo of Steve Macfarlane

Steve Macfarlane

Steve is our administrator. Formerly a church leader for 20 years, he now works for various Christian charities and supports churches through his self-employment with Tereo Ministries.

Neil Smart photo

Neil Smart

Revd Neil Smart is the Associate Vicar at St Jude’s Church Southsea with responsibility for training the curate at St Margaret’s Church. Born in Portsmouth, Neil returned to his home city in 2018 after being the Vicar of three parishes in the heart of the New Forest. At St Jude’s he has responsibility for Witness and Mission as well as supporting Discipleship through the small groups. At St Margaret’s, Neil supports Fran Carabott and the leadership team. He is also an Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands for the Portsmouth Anglican Diocese.

Before training for full time church ministry Neil was a Vet in the New Forest. He is married with three children and an increasing number of grandchildren. In his spare time, he likes reading, birdwatching and walking and is a regular at the local Parkrun.

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Chris Cox

Chris Cox is the founder and director of a Christian sports ministry in Portsmouth.
Prior to his work in sports ministry, Chris worked in the field of telecommunications for 33 years.

When given the time, Chris loves travel, reading, cycling and time with his mates. Passionate about all sports, particularly rugby.  
Chris is married with 2 children, one in the USA and the other in Wales, along with 5 grandchildren.


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Stephen Dawson

Stephen Dawson recently retired as Operations Manager at St. Margaret’s - a church plant in Southsea, Portsmouth - where he continues to help lead, and to run the Alpha course. Previously he spent 8 years as Deputy Diocesan Secretary for the Diocese of Salisbury, where he was secretary of the Aldhelm Mission Fund and had the staff lead for mission.

Stephen is married to Philippa and they have 4 grown up children. He loves poetry and the great outdoors, especially walking, fishing and birdwatching.


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