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LP-J Charity relies on donations from the public to exist.
These donations can be given in three different ways:

A cupped pair of hands full of coins with a small green shoot coming up from amongst the coins

One-off Giving: You can donate a single offering of any value by going to our Stewardship Giving page:




Stewardship will take 3.5% of your gift plus gift aid for their services, so if you give £10 + gift aid, we will receive £12.06.


Regular Giving: Set up a standing order to give on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis – Account number 78335744, Sort code 60-03-08


Via your Will: Many people choose to leave a percentage of their Estate to LP-J. If you are interested in doing this please contact: Marie Potter on

Gratitude - a young woman sat on a wall at the side of a river, smiling and looking up with her arms stretched upwards

Thank you


Thank you for considering LP-J as part of your giving. We value and appreciate all donations, great and small that help further the demonstration of the gospel of Christ to the people of Portsmouth.


Please Note: All donations will be spent on resourcing Christian Outreach projects / initiatives in the Portsmouth and surrounding area via churches working together in the community

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